Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thank you TorHans

Earlier in the spring, I was fortunate enough to get connected with the owners/founders of Tor Hans.  Tor Hans developed the innovative and aerodynamic Aero30 water bottle.  In a time when athletes are trying to outfit their bikes with the fastest, lightest, and highest quality components, the Tor Hans products are a great addition to the market.  Tor Hans has spent significant time in the wind tunnel developing and refining their Aero30 bottle (and the latest, the Aero20 bottle).  I found it pretty amazing and impressive to learn about all of their wind tunnel testing and product refinements as a result of the time they spent in the tunnel.  And Tor Hans doesn't just test their product; they put their bottles right up against other competitors for direct comparative results.  Maybe a bit windblown, but they came out lowest on the charts with respect to the bottles’ drag created on the bike. 
                I was finally able to road test my new bottle during a sprint duathlon two weeks ago. (With the cold and wet weather we’ve been having out east, the most I’d been able to do since receiving my bottle was use it for hydration while on the trainer.)  While the bottle was larger than what I needed for my sprint race, it was still important for me to try it out in race conditions before my first big race of the season in May.  My thoughts…it was great!  Both the mount and bottle in the mount were stable.  My prior bottle frequently moved around within the mount and the mount itself moved around so it was great to not have to fiddle with or think about the bottle while riding.  While I did experience splashing from the bottle, the roads I was racing on were less than ideal.  (In fact, volunteers were more focused on pointing out craters in the road than the 90 degree turn at the bottom of a steep hill.)  I wasn’t discouraged by the splashing since some amount is to be expected from a bottle that permits easy refilling while riding.  I’ve also been told by the guys at TorHans that they’ve slightly redesigned the cap to further reduce the spillage.
                TorHans is exceptionally proactive in developing and refining new and existing products to produce the highest quality and most aero products.  The owners, being athletes themselves, want quality, useful, and fast products.  They want users to go out and do what they enjoy – ride and race and not be concerned with their equipment.  I have race wheels and a race helmet that are all designed to reduce drag, it only makes sense that I put that much attention into my hydration system, since it's just as important of a component to a successful race!

1 comment:

  1. A tribute to Torhans' commitment to quality, a new cap was immediately developed to minimize splashing. Can't say enough about the great customer support from these guys! See Sharon race with her Torhans hydration system in the Anthracite Olympic Tri July 17th, the Nautica NYC Olympic Tri on August 7th, Timberman 70.3 Ironman on August 21st, followed by either Savageman or Syracuse 70.3, and then the Poconos 70.3 in October.
